Pero hay una versión emocional del otoño. Para mí este año lo constituirá una expresión escuchada a un señor mayor en un parque a propósito de las lluvias últimas. En la fresca y maravillosa mañana de hoy se intercambiaban este diálogo dos personas mayores:
-Ya va haciendo fresco.
-Sí, sí, ya no se puede salir sin chaquetilla.
-Se notan las últimas lluvias; ha refrescado el ambiente.
-Es que con la lluvia gorda del otro día es como si se hubiese biselado el verano.
-¿Y qué tal por el pueblo el verano?
Hay otra versión emocional que es la relacionada con el sutil zizzagueo del olor. Pero de esa ya hablaré.
When the leaves come falling down (Van Morrrison)
I saw you standing with the wind and the rain in your face
And you were thinking bout the wisdom of the leaves and their grace
When the leaves come falling down
In september when the leaves, come falling down
And at night the moon is shining on a clear, cloudless sky
And when the evening shadows fall Ill be there by your side
When the leaves come falling down
In september when the leaves, come falling down
Follow me down, follow me down, follow me down
To the place beside the garden and the wall
Follow me down, follow me down
To the space before the twilight and the dawn
Oh, the last time I saw paris in the streets, in the rain
And as I walk along the boulevards with you, once again
And the leaves come falling down
In september, when the leaves come falling down
Follow me down, follow me down, follow me down
To the place between the garden and the wall
Follow me down, follow me down
To the space between the twilight and the dawn
And as Im looking at the colour of the leaves, in your hand
As were listening to chet baker on the beach, in the sand
When the leaves come falling down,
Woe in september, when the leaves come falling down
Oh when the leaves come falling down
Yeah in september when the leaves come falling down
When the leaves come falling down
In september, when the leaves come falling down
When the leaves come falling down in september, in the rain
When the leaves come falling down
When the leaves come falting down in september, in the rain
When the leaves come falling down